AtremoPlus Natural L-Dopa: Higher Energy Levels!

In this new edition of our newsletter, we will address a fundamental topic: Energy.

While maintaining and cultivating energy can be challenging in a demanding and stressful life, it becomes even more delicate for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine is a crucial neurotransmitter for feeling energized, and its reduced availability generally results in a lack of energy.

We are pleased to report that in our recent survey, the two groups most affected by “very low energy” and “low energy” levels decreased by 85.2%.
A significant number of individuals were able to move into the category of good energy levels. Only 11.4% of individuals in these two groups with the lowest energy levels reported no change in their energy status.

The lack of energy in people with Parkinson’s disease can have various origins, usually a combination of several unfavorable factors.
In this first part, we will examine the impact of energy depletion on the 10 most common problems in Parkinson’s disease, as well as its consequences on daily life. Then, we will share some suggestions and ideas for implementing new routines to regain ground, also in the energy domain.

1 – The impact of energy depletion in Parkinson’s disease in 10 points:

1. Excessive fatigue: Even after adequate rest, individuals may experience extreme and chronic fatigue.

2. Slowness of movement: Bradykinesia is a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Slowness of movement can lead to increased energy expenditure even for simple tasks.

3. Muscle weakness and rigidity: Motor disturbances associated with Parkinson’s disease, such as muscle rigidity and tremors, can result in generalized muscle weakness, contributing to a sense of energy depletion.

4. Loss of motivation: Lack of energy can also be associated with loss of motivation or decreased interest in daily activities.

5. Excessive daytime sleepiness: Many individuals with Parkinson’s disease experience excessive daytime sleepiness, which can interfere with their energy levels and ability to function normally. The origins of this phenomenon are multiple. Some medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease are known to have side effects such as fatigue or drowsiness.

6. Sleep disturbances: Sleep problems, such as insomnia or periodic leg movements during sleep, are common in these individuals. Recovery and regeneration associated with a good night’s sleep are absent in the morning upon waking, leading to a feeling of profound fatigue throughout the day.

7. Depression and anxiety: Depression and anxiety are common in people with Parkinson’s disease, and these conditions can also contribute to feelings of fatigue and lack of energy, as well as a lack of motivation.

8. Fine motor disturbances: Altered movements and reduced coordination associated with Parkinson’s disease can make daily tasks such as dressing, meal preparation, or writing more tiring and energy-consuming.

9. Speech and swallowing difficulties: Speech and swallowing disorders, common in these individuals, may require extra effort to communicate and swallow. It is frustrating to repeat one’s sentence several times without being understood, especially over the phone. Likewise, swallowing improperly is very uncomfortable and can lead to irritating coughing fits. It goes without saying that these difficulties also result in energy loss.

10. Cognitive effects: Cognitive changes associated with Parkinson’s disease, such as memory and concentration problems, can lead to increased mental fatigue. It is known that the brain itself consumes a lot of energy under normal circumstances, so when one constantly has to search their memory to remember details in their daily life, it can also impact overall energy levels.

Of course, these difficulties can vary from person to person depending on individual factors. Nevertheless, it is certain that individuals with Parkinson’s disease must struggle more to have the necessary energy resources to lead their lives.

2 – The consequences of energy depletion on daily life

Reading through the 10 points above, one understands that managing energy becomes much more complicated for a person with Parkinson’s disease.
Tasks that are normally done effortlessly under normal circumstances become a real uphill battle.
Those unfamiliar with this issue sometimes struggle to comprehend, which can make the situation even more difficult and create tensions.

It’s interesting, at this point, to consider the impact of this loss and lack of energy on life:

1. Chronic fatigue: Daily tasks become mountains to climb, or even obstacles. This can lead to a sense of devaluation in the eyes of others, and resignation about one’s life.

2. Decrease in quality of life: The ability to participate in social activities or maintain favorite hobbies is limited. One no longer fully enjoys life.

3. Impact on autonomy: As energy is lacking, many daily tasks are left undone, leading to dependence on others. This lack of autonomy can undermine the sense of dignity and generate frustration, even anger.

4. Difficulties in social relationships: Social interactions become more exhausting and challenging, which can lead to social isolation. Likewise, connections with friends and family may deteriorate.

5. Increase in stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety are linked to Parkinson’s disease due to the more complicated management of daily life; consequently, the lack of energy can amplify this stress and anxiety, creating a vicious circle.

6. Mood alterations: Unfortunately, emotional well-being is often impacted. When lacking energy, one is more easily irritable, and self-esteem decreases. The feeling of emotional well-being becomes scarce.

7. Difficulties in daily activities: Simple daily activities, such as getting up, washing, and dressing, become more difficult and time-consuming, leading to frustration and a loss of independence.

By clicking on the image below, you will see a very interesting video about L-Dopa and its functions:

3 – What can be done to better manage this loss of energy?

Even if some situations may seem challenging to change, we are convinced that every individual can tap into their own resources to establish a better connection with their body. Simple small changes in one’s daily routine can have pleasant reverberations in the body.

At AtremoPlus, we stand by your side to help you break free from a sense of resignation in order to regain ground. Some suggestions may seem obvious, but naming them can be a positive catalyst and encourage certain individuals.

Here are some tips and advice for better managing your energy capital:

1. Planning and organization: We suggest establishing a daily schedule that takes into account the times when your energy is generally at its highest. It’s important to reserve these moments for the most important tasks or activities you enjoy the most. Of course, it’s crucial to adapt this planning to the real situation of your day and let yourself be guided by your intuition.
Keywords: Observe yourself and feel

2. Task prioritization: Identify the most important tasks and focus your efforts on them. Don’t hesitate to delegate less important tasks or ask for help when necessary. It’s also interesting to follow what brings you the most joy and listen to your desires. What brings joy is often linked to more energy. You can thus correlate your priorities with a barometer of inner joy, which we haven’t always learned to do in our lives.
Keywords: Letting go and Joy

3. Energy conservation: Adopt strategies to save your energy, such as using technical aids for physical tasks, taking regular breaks, and breaking tasks down into manageable steps.
Keywords: Take care of your pace

4. Stress management: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress and anxiety, which can exacerbate fatigue. Generally, less stress means more energy.
Keywords: Take a step back

5. Balanced diet: Adopt a healthy and balanced diet to maintain a stable energy level throughout the day. Prioritize foods rich in micronutrients, such as fruits and vegetables. Perhaps you have the opportunity to have a small vegetable garden and plant your own vegetables and fruits, with old varieties that provide more nutrients?
Keywords: Feed yourself from nature

6. Adapted physical activity: Regularly engage in physical activity adapted to your abilities, such as walking, swimming, tai chi, or table tennis. Exercise can help improve endurance, muscle strength, and sleep quality, which can contribute to better energy management.
Keywords: Movement as a dynamo

7. Sleep management: Ensure you get quality sleep by adopting good sleep habits, such as having a regular bedtime and wake-up routine, creating a sleep-friendly environment, and avoiding stimulants before bedtime.
Keywords: Regeneration and repair

8. Communication with loved ones: Inform your family, friends, and caregivers about your energy management needs and seek their support when necessary. Open communication can contribute to better understanding and appropriate support. Lack of communication can lead to underlying issues and misunderstandings. Sometimes, loved ones may feel that the person is sulking when in reality, it’s related to a mask, quite typical in Parkinson’s disease, to name just one example.
Keywords: Communication and Kindness

9. Meaningful activities: A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can lead to discouragement, and the person may even spiral into a negative mindset. However, to regenerate neurons and synapses (see Newsletter No. 9 below on brain plasticity), it’s important to continue learning daily and engage in activities. It’s recognized that activities that make sense are often those that provide the most energy. Like sharing expertise or passions with people who need it or are passionate about the subject. This can also take the form of implementing a project you’ve never allowed yourself to do, or delving into a field you’ve always wanted to explore. In addition to the energy created within you, these activities will require your brain to adapt and generate the necessary resources (at the neuronal level as well) to achieve them.
Keywords: Making sense and Innovation

We hope this information will help you establish new habits (if necessary) or better visualize how to regain ground in order to optimize your current energy reserves and those to come.

What are the underlying mechanisms that lead to a lack of energy in Parkinson’s disease, and how can the active principles of Vicia faba improve these parameters?

Many of our clients experience a resurgence of energy that facilitates the start of new activities. Thanks to AtremoPlus, they testify to having more energy, much needed in the context of Parkinson’s disease.

In our next newsletter, we will delve into this topic to better understand the physical and physiological mechanisms responsible for this lack of energy.

We will also conduct a detailed analysis of the active principles present in Vicia faba, which forms the basis of our AtremoPlus dietary supplement. We will explore how these active principles can contribute to optimizing the energy situation.

This content may be important for people who need this natural solution. Thanks for sharing !


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Please note that this blog provides information about our dietary supplement AtremoPlus and related topics.

This blog is not intended to provide medical advice.
If you have any medical questions, please contact your healthcare professional.

References :

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