In this new edition of our newsletter, we will delve a little deeper into this fascinating, somewhat intangible phenomenon, yet so important: Energy.
Without energy, life can become dull, laborious, and exhausting, and we know that in Parkinson’s disease, which affects the vast majority of AtremoPlus users, lack of energy is a major issue. It’s a bit like a vicious circle: we should do even more to avoid too rapid a decline, but we lack the energy to do so.
In this context, we are particularly pleased to note that in our recent survey, the two groups of people most affected by “very low energy” and “low energy” decreased by 85.2% after taking AtremoPlus.
A significant number of people were able to move into the category of ‘good energy level’. Only 11.4% of people in these two groups with the least energy reported no change in their energy status.
Fortunately, not all survey respondents are affected by a lack of energy. However, even among those who already had a good amount of energy, many noticed an extra boost of energy, which is always welcome.
Some survey participants reported a relatively small increase in their energy or even stagnation. This may be attributed, among other factors, to too low a dosage. Some people confuse the quantity of the dose and mistakenly think that by taking 1 dose per day, they have the minimum recommended. It is therefore useful to remind that one dose contains 2.5g of powder. The recommended daily minimum is 5g (equivalent to 2 doses). This is a minimum because the average of our clients takes 10g per day (equivalent to 4 doses, in 2 doses per day). The daily dose not to be exceeded is 20g/day (equivalent to 8 doses).
We will now explore this fascinating world of energy to understand the subtle mechanisms that influence our energy levels.
In Part 1, we will examine the processes by which our body generates energy. Then, in Part 2, we will address the factors that deplete our energy. Finally, in Part 3, we will study how the active principles of Vicia faba, from which our dietary supplement is formulated, positively influence our energy intake.
Part 1 – How does our body generate energy?
This question is quite complex and has not yet been fully elucidated by science.
However, we already have some important and fascinating parameters that we can observe to better understand our energy needs and how our body responds to produce it.
To do this, we will explore energy needs:
a) at the cellular level, and
b) at the level of our body as a whole,
Science has discovered disruptions at these two levels in Parkinson’s disease.
a) What are the energy needs at the cellular level?
To fully understand the mechanisms of energy generation, it is instructive to first look at the smallest entities that make up our body: the cells.
Each cell requires energy to exist, perform its tasks, and then divide to regenerate throughout our lives.
Our body can thus be likened to a vast perpetual construction site, which, since our birth (with its construction), is in constant renewal and repair. Specialists estimate that we completely renew our body every 7 years.
Imagine you are building a house, and you have to constantly modify it, so that after 7 years, no brick, no electrical cable, no piece of furniture, no lamp, or tree in the garden is identical to those at the beginning of construction.
That’s exactly what happens in our bodies. Every day, tens of millions of cells die and are replaced by new ones. It’s a colossal process that requires phenomenal amounts of energy.
So the question arises: how do our cells, with their various tasks, manage to generate enough energy to carry out their missions?
Nature has perfectly designed energy generation at the cellular level, as each cell contains tiny energy centers called mitochondria, which produce a fuel called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

These little energy powerhouses require certain elements and conditions to produce the energy needed to carry out numerous tasks. It is well known that nutrition plays a crucial role in providing the necessary elements, but it is also interesting to note that these mitochondria possess light-sensitive components and react to light. Some vitamins, such as vitamin D3 for example, are synthesized in greater quantities by the body under the influence of light.
Other factors come into play in energy generation, as we are also electrical beings: each cell has an electrical potential that contributes to our energy balance.
In summary, it is an extremely sophisticated system that allows our cells to obtain the energy needed to perform their assigned functions.
b) What are the energy needs on a broader scale?
In addition to the energy needs at the cellular level, it is informative to examine our energy needs at a more global level.
Each organ and every part of our body requires energy to function. For example, our heart requires electrical energy to beat continuously day and night. Our muscles need energy to perform mechanical movements. Our digestive system requires energy to break down food into various components, including glucose, to provide energy. Our lungs need energy for respiration. Our brain consumes vast amounts of energy to think, make decisions, and perform countless calculations.
Considering these components such as organs and muscle structures, let’s examine the energy circuits of our body from a more global perspective.
Our organism essentially relies on two principles: the first is biochemical and the second is electrical. These two principles interact in perfect harmony to ensure the functioning of our body. Indeed, our neurons transmit signals that are both electrical and biochemical, thus utilizing the energy produced by the cells.
In this biochemical context, energy comes from what are called neurotransmitters, and two are particularly interesting to us. These are dopamine and noradrenaline.
These two neurotransmitters are essential in our responses to stress, emotions, our motor skills, both at the cognitive and motor levels for our vitality. They are regulators of our energy and dynamism.
Part 2 – What factors deplete energy from our organism?
There are a whole series of elements that deplete energy from our organism, and we will particularly see it through the prism of those suffering from Parkinson’s.
a) At the cellular level
Through research, experts have observed that Parkinson’s disease may be associated with dysfunction of mitochondria, these small energy-producing units within cells. These units, responsible for energy production at the cellular level, are notably attacked by free radicals that damage or destroy them. Thus, in the context of Parkinson’s disease, energy generation is disrupted, which impairs the proper functioning of cells and depletes the energy of the affected individual.
b) On the level of the whole organism
Parkinson’s disease is characterized by a partial destruction of the dopamine-producing unit in the brain. The diagnosis is often made when 60 to 80% of dopaminergic neurons are already destroyed. Thus, this dopamine production unit sees its capacities greatly reduced and struggles to meet the needs of our organism for dopamine. Consequently, this universal fuel, essential for feeling fit, performing movements, thinking clearly, and experiencing joy, is produced in lower quantities. Individuals then experience significant consequences of dopamine deficiency, leading to a multitude of energy-consuming dysfunctions.
This also affects another neurotransmitter, noradrenaline, essential for maintaining a positive mood and feeling dynamic.
In summary, the issues related to Parkinson’s disease create a vicious circle: the lack of energy at the cellular level, combined with a decrease in dopamine and noradrenaline, as well as high oxidative stress, trigger a cascade of problems that further deplete the energy of the individuals concerned.
If you haven’t yet watched the simple and understandable video explaining this phenomenon of oxidative stress, you can still do so by clicking on the image.
Part 3 – Which active principles in Vicia faba could be behind the significant resurgence reported by AtremoPlus users?
We will now seek to understand why many users testify to a significant resurgence of their vitality and energy.
Of course, we cannot unravel the phenomena and precisely assess the impact of each active principle of Vicia faba on the complex energy production mechanisms in AtremoPlus users.
However, we can propose some plausible hypotheses, supported by the results of clinical trials, feedback from our customers, as well as research from the scientific community attributing certain functions to these active principles.
These elements could then explain this positive phenomenon of energy resurgence reported by many AtremoPlus users.
Demonstration of a virtuous circle based on the active principles of Vicia faba:
To understand what may be happening for AtremoPlus users reporting a resurgence of energy, it first seems interesting to delve into the notion of a “virtuous circle.” In other words, what are its dynamics or when can we speak of a virtuous process:
1. When positive effects are successive: Each step of the process leads to a positive effect that contributes to reinforcing the next one.
2. When there is synergy of actions: The different actions or factors involved interact synergistically, amplifying each other’s positive effects.
3. When the cycle of improvement is continuous: The virtuous circle creates a continuous cycle where each success or improvement nourishes the next one, leading to constant progression.
4. When there is mutual reinforcement: The elements of the process reinforce each other, resulting in a cumulative increase in positive results.
5. When there is the creation of a positive dynamic: The virtuous circle generates a positive dynamic that promotes growth, well-being, or the achievement of targeted goals.
Remaining in this logic of understanding, let’s now see how we could coherently explain the idea of a virtuous circle reported by AtremoPlus users:
1. Reduction of oxidative stress damage at the cellular level: It is known that the numerous antioxidants, including Vitamin E, decrease oxidative stress damage at the cellular level and ultimately also on the mitochondria. As a reminder, mitochondria are tiny energy centers. Thus, the reduction of oxidative stress supplemented by the continual creation of new cells (cell division) could offer a better baseline energy situation, since each of these new cells could perform its functions with more energy.
2. Reduction of chronic inflammation: This antioxidant effect could also play a positive role in reducing the chronic inflammation always associated with Parkinson’s, and generate a more conducive environment for cell survival.
3. Reduction of pain: A reduction in chronic inflammation could indeed be linked to less pain, regularly reported by AtremoPlus users. See newsletter number 5 and 6 for links.
4. Better sleep quality: Less pain could favor better sleep quality, which is known to be restorative. AtremoPlus users regularly report feeling more rejuvenated after better sleep. See newsletter number 2, 3, and 4 for links.
5. More dopamine in the body: The supply of L-dopa from Vicia faba provides more dopamine to the brain, as demonstrated in the clinical trials of our product.
6. The essential role of carbidopa: Naturally contained in Vicia faba, carbidopa facilitates the transport of larger quantities of L-dopa to the brain through the blood-brain barrier. This may also help explain why people feel more energetic.
7. Less stiffness, tremor, or motor and cognitive slowness: Greater amounts of dopamine in the brain can contribute to fewer issues such as stiffness, motor and cognitive slowness, tremors, and other problems related to a lack of dopamine. Reducing these daily alienating issues frees up more energy to perform activities with more ease and vitality.
8. Significant increase in norepinephrine: The increase in dopamine also results in a significant increase in norepinephrine, as demonstrated by our clinical trials. We know that norepinephrine is very important for feeling energetic as it performs important functions on vigilance, memory, impulsivity, mood, among others.
9. Less stress and anxiety: Emotionally, anxiety and stress are strongly linked to a lack of dopamine and norepinephrine, so an improvement in these neurotransmitters could help reduce stress and anxiety. Furthermore, clinical trials have shown a decrease in stress biomarkers such as cortisol.
10. Brain plasticity is favored: Having more energy allows us to do more activities and be more creative, which promotes brain plasticity. See link to newsletter number 9 below. Furthermore, some active principles of Vicia faba are known to be components that promote the production of new neurons and synapses (BDNF – Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) that science discovers with great wonder.
11. Positive impact on gene expression: The active principles of Vicia faba have demonstrated, in our preclinical and clinical trials, that they have a positive impact on gene expression (epigenetics) and can contribute to reducing misfolded protein aggregates (plaques), thus promoting a better cerebral energy dynamic. One of the results of these clinical studies on our product in this field showed a significant reduction in depression issues and cognitive improvements in participants. You can consult the link to our newsletter number 10 below regarding epigenetics.
The most important thing is that you feel more energy
In reality, the mechanisms of this virtuous circle are probably even more complex due to the multitude of trace elements present in Vicia faba, each of which has positive effects on energy generation.
Indeed, this Vicia faba plant is remarkably rich in trace elements, containing practically all important minerals (including magnesium and zinc), as well as almost all essential vitamins (such as vitamins A, B group, C, D, and E), and these elements are important in energy production. Additionally, it offers a variety of amino acids, the basic building blocks of our bodies, as well as flavonoids, carotenoids, and polyphenols with powerful antioxidant properties, among others, which act in perfect synergy to preserve the body from oxidative stress damage, also important in energy generation.
You can further explore these synergies by consulting the newsletter on the abundance of L-dopa and trace elements of the Vicia faba plant, available in newsletter number 11, the link to which is provided below.
What we can affirm is that despite the natural aging process of our bodies, we regularly receive positive feedback from users and their neurologists. They are pleasantly surprised by the rapid improvements and impressed by the long-term stability (confirmed by our 8 years of experience since the product was launched) for the oldest users. This stability also translates into a continuous improvement in their energy levels. You will find the link to newsletter 1 below.
Ultimately, what matters most is that many users feel a significant increase in energy, and now you have some clues to understand some of the origins.
To conclude this newsletter, we would like to share with you a quite representative testimonial from one of our clients, whom we sincerely thank:
“I felt very tired before taking Atremoplus, and I wasn’t motivated to do things. Tremors, pains, and muscle weakness significantly decreased after taking Atremoplus, and I have more energy. I feel much better. Thank you very much.”
This content may be important for people who need this natural solution. Thanks for sharing !
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Please note that this blog provides information about our dietary supplement AtremoPlus and related topics.
This blog is not intended to provide medical advice.
If you have any medical questions, please contact your healthcare professional.
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