I.The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Approach to Stem Cells
For decades, people with Parkinson’s have been waiting for solutions that go beyond current treatments, which alleviate symptoms without stopping the disease’s progression. It is well known that these symptomatic treatments lose effectiveness over time, requiring higher doses and often leading to increasingly severe side effects.
Stem cells offer a groundbreaking approach to changing this reality. But what exactly is a stem cell? Imagine a “neutral” cell, like a blank page, that can transform into any type of cell the body needs. These cells also have the ability to renew themselves, making them valuable for repairing or replacing damaged cells.
This potential is particularly promising for Parkinson’s disease. The condition develops due to the progressive loss of specific neurons—dopaminergic neurons—that produce a crucial substance for movement: dopamine. As these dopaminergic cells gradually disappear, symptoms of the disease appear and worsen over time.
Stem cells, particularly induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) and embryonic stem cells, can differentiate into dopaminergic neurons to replace the damaged ones, repairing the problem at its root. This represents a revolutionary prospect for people affected by Parkinson’s, but implementing these therapies remains complex.
Initially, stem cell transplants derived from fetuses (taken from embryos or fetal tissues) raised significant ethical concerns, as they involved the use of sensitive biological material. Additionally, these transplants required treatment with immunosuppressants. These drugs weaken the patient’s immune system to prevent rejection of the new cells, but they also increase the risk of infections and other complications.
With certain induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), some of these obstacles are partially overcome. iPS cells can be created in the laboratory from the patient’s own cells, such as skin cells. By “reprogramming” them, they gain the ability to transform into different types of cells, including neurons, just like natural stem cells.
However, several challenges remain:
- Safety: The differentiation of cells must be precisely controlled to prevent abnormalities, tumor formation (teratomas), and infections.
- Risk-benefit balance: Due to the potential side effects of immunosuppression in transplant recipients, the administration of immunosuppressants must be carefully balanced against the expected benefits of cell transplantation therapy.
- Cost and accessibility: These therapies are expensive, with an estimated cost of €800,000 per treatment, making widespread access difficult for most patients.
- Development time: While clinical trials are ongoing, these treatments may take decades to become widely available.
- Disease complexity: Parkinson’s involves multiple mechanisms and brain regions. Simply replacing dopaminergic neurons may not be enough to fully address the disorder.
Finally, a critical question remains: if the body previously destroyed the dopaminergic neurons, leading to Parkinson’s, why wouldn’t it do the same to the transplanted cells? Studies have frequently observed that a significant portion of transplanted cells die rapidly.
Additionally, a pioneering and highly publicized clinical trial conducted in 2018 by Professor Jun Takahashi’s team at Kyoto University marked a significant step forward in stem cell research. The team reprogrammed cells for transplantation in seven patients, aiming for them to differentiate into functional neurons. The initial results indicated that the procedure was safe and relatively well tolerated, particularly due to the use of immunosuppressants to prevent rejection. However, data on clinical efficacy—that is, symptom improvement following the intervention—remains limited or even nonexistent to date.

II. Did You Know That We Have Our Own Stem Cell Reserves?
The human body is a remarkable machine designed to maintain and repair itself. Contrary to common belief, we naturally possess stem cells, which play a crucial role in tissue maintenance and repair throughout our lives.
These adult stem cells are found in various parts of the body, including the bone marrow, brain, muscles, and even the skin. While they are not as versatile as embryonic or iPS cells, they have a remarkable ability: they can transform into specific types of specialized cells needed for local tissue repair.
In the context of Parkinson’s disease, researchers have discovered that the brain contains neural stem cells (NSCs). Although limited in number, these cells have the potential to differentiate into astrocytes or oligodendrocytes, particularly in response to damage.
Certain nutritional interventions can also create a favorable environment that encourages these dormant adult stem cells to multiply and transform more effectively into repair cells. This nutritional approach could offer more natural and less invasive solutions for individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
In summary, our internal stem cells represent a valuable resource. Understanding how to activate and optimize them could open new possibilities in managing Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders.
III. What Mechanisms Block the Deployment of Our Stem Cells and Reduce Their Reserves?
In individuals with Parkinson’s, it is evident that stem cells do not mobilize sufficiently to generate new dopaminergic neurons. This raises an important question: why?
To better understand this phenomenon, let’s examine the specific mechanisms that hinder the activation of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the context of Parkinson’s disease and aging in general.
Known mechanisms include:
Oxidative stress: In the aging or Parkinson’s-affected brain, the accumulation of oxidative stress can damage neural stem cells (NSCs) and impair their ability to divide or generate new neurons.
Inflammatory microenvironment: With age and in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, the brain develops a chronic inflammatory state that inhibits neural stem cells (NSCs), disrupting their differentiation and survival. Chronic inflammation is often a consequence of excessive oxidative stress.
Decline in trophic factors: To produce new neurons, the body requires essential growth factors such as BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor), and NGF (Nerve Growth Factor). A reduction in these factors limits the ability of neural stem cells (NSCs) to self-renew or differentiate into functional neurons.
- Accumulation of toxic proteins: In Parkinson’s disease, the buildup of toxic proteins such as alpha-synuclein or other misfolded proteins in the brain creates a neurotoxic environment that compromises the activity of neural stem cells (NSCs).
- Alteration of neural niches: Niches—areas where neural stem cells (NSCs) reside—are affected by age-related changes, such as fibrosis or reduced vascularization, diminishing their ability to support neural stem cells (NSCs).
With age, and even more so in the case of Parkinson’s, the stem cell reservoir naturally declines, particularly due to the mechanisms described above, limiting its ability to meet the brain’s needs.
To activate neural stem cells and encourage their regeneration, it is crucial to reduce unfavorable factors such as oxidative stress and chronic inflammation while fostering a brain-friendly environment. A combination of approaches—including a diet rich in antioxidants, appropriate physical activity, and stress-reducing practices—can help support these natural mechanisms. (We will cover this in detail in Part 2, coming soon.)
As you know, AtremoPlus is rich in powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin E, as well as other active compounds recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Additionally, certain key ingredients, like polyphenols found in Vicia faba, play a fundamental role in neurogenesis by serving as essential precursors for the production of BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) and NGF (Nerve Growth Factor), two crucial factors for neuron growth and protection.
According to experts, preserving existing neurons, maintaining stem cell reservoirs, and ensuring a steady intake of ingredients that actively support neurogenesis is essential for brain health and neuronal renewal.
We invite you to join us in 15 days for the continuation of this series, where we will explore specific factors and strategies you can implement right away to optimize stem cell activity and stimulate brain plasticity. We will also discuss simple daily habits that can genuinely promote stem cell activation and help slow degeneration.
Science is providing valuable insights into the most effective approaches to adopt today.
We would like to emphasize that this newsletter is not intended to provide medical advice. For any medical concerns, we recommend consulting your healthcare professional.
Our primary goal is to help you understand how your body functions and unlock the hidden potential of your own stem cells.
Best regards,
The AtremoPlus Team
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