Parkinson’s: 10 Good Reasons to Supplement with Natural L-Dopa Carbidopa!

Why choose a plant-based L-dopa Carbidopa?

When people think of L-Dopa and Carbidopa, they often consider the synthetic version, which has long been used in managing Parkinson’s disease.

However, did you know that nature offers a rich, diverse plant-based solution?

The plant Vicia faba contains not only a high concentration of L-Dopa and Carbidopa but also a wide array of essential brain components. These trace elements play a key role in metabolization and work synergistically: vitamins (A, B-complex, C, D, E), minerals (such as zinc and magnesium), antioxidants (such as polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids), amino acids, and even Carbidopa, a key element in promoting L-Dopa absorption across the blood-brain barrier, where it can be converted into dopamine in the brain.

To further understand the difference between synthetic L-dopa and its plant-based counterpart, you can read this fascinating article by clicking [here].

A formula specially designed for people with Parkinson’s

AtremoPlus, an all-natural formulation of L-Dopa and Carbidopa derived from Vicia Faba, has been specially developed since 2009 by a team of experts in neurodegenerative diseases to improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson’s. It has been on the market for nearly 9 years now and has a proven track record in various areas.

This unique plant-based solution has become an essential supplement for those who have tried it and want to live better despite the disease.

Here are 10 good reasons to supplement with our plant-based L-Dopa/Carbidopa:

1) Vicia faba is a natural source rich in L-Dopa and Carbidopa.

Explanation: L-Dopa is an essential precursor to dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in four key areas:

  1. Motor skills,
  2. Cognitive performance,
  3. Emotional regulation, and
  4. Energy dynamics.
In the brain, L-Dopa is converted into dopamine, but for this to happen, it must first cross the blood-brain barrier, a protective boundary that prevents many harmful substances from reaching the brain. Carbidopa plays a crucial role by slowing down the conversion of L-Dopa into dopamine in the bloodstream. If dopamine is produced too early, before reaching the brain, it cannot cross the barrier because the molecule is too large. This is why the combination of L-Dopa with Carbidopa is essential: it optimizes the treatment’s effectiveness. In fact, it’s one of the first questions a neurologist will ask to ensure that the natural L-Dopa can provide its benefits at the brain level.

2) AtremoPlus has been pre-clinically and clinically tested and is well-tolerated, with no side effects in 100% of study participants.

Explanation: It is not mandatory to subject a dietary supplement to preclinical or clinical tests. Many manufacturers, including in Europe and the U.S., avoid this step due to the cost, time involved, and uncertainty of results.

However, in the development of AtremoPlus, a deliberate decision was made to conduct these studies for two main reasons:

  1. To ensure that the product is well-tolerated, especially for long-term use, as many users have Parkinson’s disease; and
  2. To validate its effectiveness in the targeted area.

These two objectives were successfully achieved: the product not only proved to be very well tolerated without any reported side effects in 100% of the studies participants, but it also demonstrated significant effectiveness in the tests conducted.

3) AtremoPlus is standardized at 21.5 mg/g of L-Dopa for safe and consistent dosing.

Explanation: The majority of AtremoPlus users have Parkinson’s. In this context, it is essential to develop a natural product that can be dosed accurately and consistently. In addition, the packaging comes with a scoop to measure precisely the amount of L-Dopa that the user consumes.

This precise dosing capability is crucial, as one of the main criticisms neurologists have about dietary supplements is that they are often difficult to dose reliably. For this reason, the standardization of L-Dopa content in AtremoPlus was a critical step in its development.

Moreover, the plant-based product is manufactured by a facility that is certified ISO 9001 and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), ensuring impeccable production quality. This rigor has convinced a growing number of neurologists. As to reduce the intake of synthetic L-Dopa, it is essential to supplement with a consistent and reliable dosage of plant-based L-Dopa. Thanks to this standardization, precise reductions in synthetic L-Dopa, ranging from 25% to 50%, are commonly observed, as also demonstrated in clinical studies.

4) AtremoPlus is a source of Vitamin E (RDA) and other antioxidants and has shown exceptional antioxidant results in preclinical trials.

Explanation: Why was it crucial to include Vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants in AtremoPlus? Experts recognize excessive oxidation as one of the main causes of premature aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Free radicals, which are in search of electrons, attack healthy tissues, gradually damaging them. Neurons are no exception, and oxidation plays a significant role in the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Antioxidants protect cells by providing extra electrons to free radicals, neutralizing them before they can cause damage in our bodies. Protecting our cells from the destructive effects of oxidative stress becomes a priority to maintain our nervous system in good condition.

It’s also interesting to note that users of AtremoPlus, as well as their neurologists, are not only impressed by the rapid benefits observed but also by the remarkable long-term stability of the effects (with feedback going back 8 years and more) without the need to increase the dose of synthetic L-Dopa, which is often the case.

5) The active ingredients, therefore, help reduce chronic neuroinflammation, which experts believe is a key factor in the onset and progressive degeneration in Parkinson’s disease.

Explanation: Chronic neuroinflammation is one of the direct consequences of prolonged excessive oxidation. Experts agree that chronic inflammation is heavily involved in the processes of cell death, also known as apoptosis. This phenomenon is pervasive in neurodegenerative processes like Parkinson’s.

By reducing oxidation through the intake of antioxidants, we observe a significant decrease in chronic inflammatory states. This connection is even more relevant since many AtremoPlus users report a notable reduction in their pain, which is often closely linked to chronic inflammation.

6) The active ingredients of Vicia faba significantly increase norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline.

Explanation: During clinical trials, a significant increase in norepinephrine/noradrenaline was observed. But why is this so important? Norepinephrine/noradrenaline is often underestimated in the context of Parkinson’s, yet it is essential for several key functions. It plays a crucial role in motor coordination, improves cognitive performance, including memory and concentration, and is an exceptional mood booster, acting as a powerful mood regulator and contributing to the overall vitality and energy of individuals.

Many AtremoPlus users report feeling in a better mood, more active, and less withdrawn, with an enhanced ability to make decisions. It’s easy to say, “take action,” when dealing with a dopaminergic deficiency, but in reality, everything becomes more difficult. An extra energy boost can make all the difference in getting things started.

7) The active ingredients of Vicia faba promote an improvement in overall methylation.

Explanation: Our body is a biological marvel, capable of building and maintaining our body in good condition by creating millions of proteins every second, according to a script or plan found in our DNA. The brain is no exception and also produces many essential proteins.

However, over time, this script becomes harder to read, a process experts link to epigenetics. To simplify, it relates to the influence of environmental factors on our genetic expression. As a result, proteins can misfold, forming plaques in the brain, often referred to as senile plaques, which disrupt proper functioning.

It is important to note that epigenetics works both ways. During preclinical and clinical trials, overall methylation—a key biomarker for assessing this epigenetic phenomenon—showed significant improvement thanks to the active ingredients in Vicia faba. This process promotes better protein unfolding in the brain, reducing the risk of harmful aggregate formation.

8) AtremoPlus promotes an improvement in scores on the UPDRS test (Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale).

Explanation: To evaluate a product’s effectiveness, it is essential to start by observing the sensations it provides, in this case, those related to the intake of AtremoPlus. Many users report very good feelings on several levels after taking the supplement. However, some effects may also develop gradually over time and be less immediately noticeable.

From a scientific perspective, measurement is of critical importance because, without it, there is no true scientific process. During clinical trials, an initial UPDRS evaluation was conducted, followed by a second measurement after taking AtremoPlus. The results are significant: improvements in scores reached 50% in the group of people with Parkinson’s without cognitive impairment, 46% in the group with mild cognitive impairment, and still 20% in the group of people with Parkinson’s and dementia. These advancements represent significant relief, both for the individuals themselves and for their loved ones.

9) AtremoPlus promotes the acceleration of brain waves toward Alpha waves (a relaxed but awake state).

Explanation: Brain waves vary depending on our state of being and the performance our brain must deliver. For instance, when facing imminent danger, our brain oscillates at high frequencies to facilitate a quick reaction, such as fleeing the threat, by activating Gamma waves. When we need to work hard and produce results, our brain resonates more with Beta waves. Conversely, during deep sleep or relaxing meditation, slower waves, such as Delta or Theta waves, dominate. However, in the case of Parkinson’s disease, many individuals suffer from chronic fatigue and daytime sleepiness. In some cases, the rhythms can even be reversed, with restless nights followed by days marked by increased drowsiness.

We are pleased to announce that during our measurements, we observed that approximately 30 minutes after taking AtremoPlus, the brain waves of individuals suffering from chronic fatigue and daytime sleepiness shifted from Delta and Theta waves to Alpha waves. Alpha brain waves, positioned in the middle of the spectrum, are associated with a relaxed state of alertness, where one is both present and calm. Many AtremoPlus users report feeling more present, yet more relaxed.

10) Promotes the reduction of stress biomarkers such as cortisol and prolactin.

Explanation: It is well-established that stress worsens the problems of people with Parkinson’s, while relaxation can contribute to improvement. Additionally, a growing number of studies show that rapid phases of brain decline can sometimes be linked to emotional factors and the resulting stress. Being diagnosed with a disease considered incurable already generates intrinsic stress.

In this context, we are pleased to have been able to measure a decrease in stress biomarkers during clinical trials. Many AtremoPlus users also report feeling less tense and stressed, and even their immediate environment, such as spouses and children, notice this positive change and benefit from it. Feedback frequently indicates a better ability to manage stress, with more resilience in stressful situations.

This improvement in stress management seems to be correlated with the reduction in stress biomarkers, which is valuable to quantify. This stress-reducing effect can be attributed to a complex of natural molecules, highlighting the importance of not underestimating trace elements, including their cumulative role. This is the richness of a formulation of L-Dopa and Carbidopa based on an exceptional plant like Vicia faba.

Now that we have explored the ten most important reasons to choose our L-Dopa, let’s take a moment to reflect on who might particularly benefit from the qualities listed above.

Who is AtremoPlus for? This 100% plant-based solution is particularly recommended for these individuals:

1. People at the end of their therapeutic journey.

Explanation: It is well known that, over time, Parkinson’s can become a true ordeal, leading to more frequent doses of synthetic L-Dopa and dosages nearing the tolerance limit of our body, often without the expected benefits. Of course, each situation is individual and personal, but there is a general trend of worsening motor, cognitive, and fatigue-related issues. Experts agree that synthetic L-Dopa gradually loses its effectiveness, a phenomenon known as “wearing off.”

In this often unbearable context, we are pleased to offer a solution that often significantly improves the quality of life, even for individuals considered to be at the end of their therapeutic journey. Among our clients, some have lived with Parkinson’s for years or even decades and report exceptional and lasting results. Moreover, after more than eight years of experience, we have not observed the “wearing off” phenomenon with our L-Dopa Carbidopa, derived from a specific variety of Vicia faba, carefully selected from many others. While each case is unique, we generally observe noticeable improvement in the first few weeks (sometimes even within hours or days), followed by sustained progress over the next 12-24 months, and then good stability over time.

2. People intolerant to synthetic L-Dopa/Carbidopa.

Explanation: We still know little about the factors and pharmacogenetic origins that determine why some people tolerate a treatment well while others suffer from more or less significant side effects. Regarding synthetic L-Dopa Carbidopa, some individuals experience severe side effects, making long-term use difficult. The side effects associated with the synthetic version of L-Dopa Carbidopa are listed in the leaflet. If in doubt, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

When people with Parkinson’s experience significant side effects from synthetic L-Dopa, it means that one of the main treatments to compensate for the dopamine deficit in the brain is not applicable. In this context, Vicia faba can prove to be a viable solution, as the L-Dopa Carbidopa derived from this plant is generally very well tolerated. Indeed, 100% of participants in clinical studies of the dietary supplement reported no side effects. Our immune system has probably had time to adapt to this plant, one of the oldest domesticated by humans for millennia.

3. People seeking a natural and vegan solution.

Explanation: We know that medications can save lives daily and are of great value to many people. However, a growing number of individuals realize that nature has produced active principles and assembled them for millennia. Although not all plants are beneficial to humans, some truly are.

Vicia faba is a treasure of nature, as it is full of active principles such as vitamins (especially vitamin A, B group, C, D, E), minerals (like zinc and magnesium), polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, amino acids, and unsaturated fatty acids, all recognized by the scientific community for their considerable benefits to the body. Most users choose to take both synthetic L-Dopa and our plant-based L-Dopa Carbidopa derived from Vicia faba, benefiting from the advantages of both variants.

4. People with young onset of Parkinson’s.

Explanation: As mentioned earlier, it is well known that the “honeymoon” phase usually ends after 2 to 5 years. This means that synthetic L-Dopa loses its effectiveness due to the “wearing off” phenomenon. For a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s at a young age, the question arises: when should they, in collaboration with their medical team, introduce synthetic L-Dopa treatments?

What is particularly significant in this context is that young people still have their lives ahead of them. Often engaged in professional careers, they need to earn a living and maintain a high level of performance. Thus, taking L-Dopa Carbidopa derived from Vicia faba can be a wise choice. On the one hand, this plant contains antioxidant components (see above) that help fight oxidative stress. On the other hand, no “wearing off” effect has been observed. On the contrary, appreciable stability has been observed in a longitudinal perspective. For a full article on the amazing long-term stability, you can click on this link.

Note: The vast majority of users take AtremoPlus successfully, in addition to their anti-Parkinson medications, for an improved quality of life.

An increasing number of users also report notable benefits of AtremoPlus while using deep brain stimulation (DBS).

What is the user experience with plant-based L-Dopa Carbidopa?

Mark, from Canada, has been using AtremoPlus for 6 years. He shares: “I’ve been able to function 75% better in just three days.” To read his full story, click [here].

Birgit, regional delegate of the Parkinson’s Association in Germany, has had Parkinson’s for 23 years. She asks, “Why isn’t this product more widely known? I feel so much better alongside my deep brain stimulation.” You can read her full testimonial [here].

Jeanette, a retired nurse: “I’m one of those people who can’t take synthetic L-Dopa because I have too many side effects. The plant-based L-Dopa Carbidopa from AtremoPlus has changed my life.” To read Jeanette’s complete story, click here.

Myriam, a social worker: “AtremoPlus allows me to maintain my independence without any motor issues, getting up in the morning without losing my balance. Plus, I no longer have pain and I feel ‘connected’ to life. I have a lively demeanor, a better mood, and more energy….” To discover her full story, click here.

Anna, a 72-year-old retiree: Within a few weeks, her pain decreases and her spirits soar. She regains her appetite, energy, and even the desire to sing and dance. To read Anna’s complete story, click here.

Many more testimonials, including videos, are available [here].

Do these 10 good reasons make you want to try AtremoPlus?

The community of AtremoPlus users continues to grow, united by a common goal: to maintain the best possible health over time and push the limits to improve their quality of life.

It’s important to note that the minimum dosage for significant effects is 5 grams per day (equivalent to 2 scoops), but the majority of our clients take 10 grams per day (4 scoops) for optimal comfort. Just a reminder: There are 21.5 mg of plant-based L-Dopa in 1 gram of powder. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 20 grams per day (8 scoops).

Below, you’ll find an important video to understand why it is so crucial that AtremoPlus contains the daily dose of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress damage.

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Please note that this blog provides information about our dietary supplement AtremoPlus and related topics.

This blog is not intended to provide medical advice.

AtremoPlus does not claim to treat, prevent, or cure any diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, but is intended as a supplement to improve quality of life.

If you have medical questions, please contact your healthcare professional.

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