AtremoPlus: An unsuspected function of our customer feedback form!

The AtremoPlus Questionnaire revealed an unexpected function!

To complete the many pre-clinical and clinical studies carried out on AtremoPlus, we sent you a few months ago our customer feedback form, which is easy to complete online.
The goal? To get to know you better, to better understand how AtremoPlus can improve your daily life, and thus serve you better.

In the end, this questionnaire proved to be a goldmine of valuable information, and also enabled us to quantify the positive effects, the results of which we’ll be sharing with you in our newsletters.

However, this questionnaire turned out to be quite useful in an unsuspected way, and we’d like to share this astonishing discovery with you.

A surprising phenomenon occurred

Some of you, less accustomed to the Internet, preferred to fill in the questionnaire with us over the phone. During our discussions and the answers given by our customers, a surprising phenomenon occurred.

The questionnaire asks a number of questions specifying how the person is BEFORE and AFTER taking Atremoplus, on a scale from Very Bad to Very Good.

As we progressed through the questionnaire, we regularly received comments such as “Ah, it’s true, I wasn’t paying attention, but my fine motor skills have improved, I’m more agile on my computer keyboard, or closing my shoes.” Or other comments, such as “Yes, it’s just, I’m more in the mood to be enterprising, to get back into my garden and look after it.”or “It’s coming back to me, the other day my grandson threw himself into my arms and I felt more strength in my arms and legs.”or “it’s true that I have more cognitive clarity and feel more alert”.or “now that I think about it, my walk is actually better”., I sleep better”, “I have less pain”. or other testimonials such as “It’strue, even my daughter told me the other day that she found me much better and more present.”….

As taking AtremoPlus returns a number of elements to “normal”, we quickly get used to these improvements, and we’re delighted that they occur.

Awareness that does us good

On the other hand, the feedback we received from our users in the course of the questionnaire helped them to become more aware of the often significant improvements in areas where they had not paid much attention, and which nonetheless contributed to their daily well-being. These realizations proved almost “therapeutic” on an emotional level, providing an extra boost of motivation and generating a lot of positivity.

All these elements condensed in the questionnaire and the improvements achieved show that, despite motor and cognitive problems, a positive spiral can be created. It’s undeniable that better sleep and better regeneration make you want to do more. Less pain means better sleep and clarity of mind. Fewer visible tremors make you more inclined to reopen up to a social life, and so on…

Realizing that we have unsuspected resources that can be awakened and set off on a positive spiral, means reclaiming ground on motor and cognitive conditions that have a positive impact on our general well-being.

Better understanding for greater synergy

Your invaluable feedback has inspired us to select our newsletters in order to shed in-depth light on the motor and cognitive problems you encounter.

It’s a well-known fact that a lack of knowledge on these subjects can lead to a feeling of powerlessness and insecurity, whereas a better understanding can have a positive impact on our well-being.

That’s why, theme by theme, we try to share with you what the scientific community knows about the active ingredients in AtremoPlus, and how its ingredients can explain the improvements you’re seeing.

Even if, in the end, it’s the results that count the most, understanding the mechanisms underlying these improvements is an important asset if we are to benefit fully from our natural product.

Feeling like you’re not an isolated case!

What’s more, we’re getting more and more feedback that our recent newsletters are indirectly creating a community spirit. It’s true that our subscribers and users can recognize themselves and therefore see that they are not alone in feeling these improvements.

Every experience and testimonial is a real help to the community, and we thank you for sharing them, as well as for your participation in the questionnaire.
For those of you who haven’t taken part in the questionnaire yet, perhaps these positive and surprising discoveries will inspire you to do so? To do so, simply click on the button in your newsletter.

This content may be important for people who need this natural solution. Thank you for sharing


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Disclaimer :
Please note that this blog provides information about our dietary supplement AtremoPlus and related topics. This blog is not intended to provide medical advice.
If you have any medical questions, please contact your healthcare professional.

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