Optimizing AtremoPlus Intake!

In this new article, we address an essential topic that raises many questions: what is the best way to take AtremoPlus?

After previously discussing the optimal dosage (you can always find that newsletter by clicking on the link here), today we will answer common questions about the best way to take our 100% plant-based L-Dopa Carbidopa.

Here is the AtremoPlus Guide, which covers:

✅ Best practices for optimizing intake
❌ What to avoid
🔎 Tips and possible adjustments based on individual needs

Our goal is to provide you with clear recommendations to help you get the most out of AtremoPlus and maximize its benefits in your daily life.

Part 1: ✅ Best Practices for Optimizing Intake


  1. Taking AtremoPlus on an Empty Stomach:

For the first intake of the day, it is recommended to take AtremoPlus on an empty stomach to prevent it from mixing with food and to enhance its absorption and transport to the brain.

  • Better absorption of L-Dopa
  • Faster and stronger effect
  • Fewer interferences with food and longer-lasting effects

As a general rule, take L-Dopa at least 15-30 minutes before a meal (and if this is not possible, take it at the very beginning of breakfast, lunch, or dinner rather than at the end). For the second intake, we recommend waiting at least 2 hours after a meal (away from food intake).

  1. Timing of Intake:

This depends on your daily routine. We recommend experimenting to find the option that works best for you. Of course, your routine can be adjusted based on variable intake needs depending on daily activities (special events) or how you feel (stress, constraints).

Most users take AtremoPlus in two doses per day (2×2 scoops):

  • First intake before breakfast, followed by a second in the afternoon
  • Or first intake around 10-11 AM and a second around 3-4 PM

Some users add an evening dose to improve sleep quality or to prepare for special events (dinner with friends, going out, traveling, etc.).

  1. What to Take AtremoPlus With?

Ideally, AtremoPlus should be taken with a semi-liquid base, such as:

  • Yogurt (including plant-based yogurt)
  • Mashed banana
  • Low-protein fruit puree (e.g., apple, pear, apricot, etc.)

Note: Clinical trials on AtremoPlus were conducted with a small amount of regular yogurt and showed excellent results.
For some people, lower-protein bases may be recommended (see below).

  1. Gut Health:

The absorption and metabolism of any food or active ingredient, including L-Dopa/Carbidopa, largely depend on the proper functioning of the digestive system.
Thus, good gut health is essential for optimizing the effectiveness of AtremoPlus.

In one of our upcoming newsletters, we will share practical tips and strategies to improve gut health, promoting optimal assimilation of nutrients and active ingredients.

  1. Taking Other Supplements:

One of the advantages of AtremoPlus lies in the richness of the Vicia faba plant, which is its base ingredient. It contains a wide variety of minerals, vitamins, and other beneficial trace elements, such as flavonoids, polyphenols, amino acids, and mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

So, the question arises: Is it really necessary to take additional vitamins or minerals?

The recommended daily doses of trace elements vary from country to country, making it difficult to provide a universal answer.
However, some elements can complement the intake of AtremoPlus to maximize its benefits. For example:

  • Green tea (infused at approximately 60°C)
  • High-quality dark chocolate
  • Freshly ground coffee
  • Omega-3s
  • CoQ10
  • Other nutrients that may provide additional support and enhance the action of AtremoPlus

There are some exceptions, which are listed in Part 2 on what to avoid.


Even for L-Dopa, the Vidal reference in France recommends a maximum limit of 800 mg/day, whereas in the USA, some slow-release prescriptions allow up to 2,450 mg of L-Dopa per day.

  1. Consume Quickly After Preparation:

Once prepared, it is recommended to consume AtremoPlus immediately to prevent the degradation of certain active ingredients.

Part 2: ❌ What to Avoid for Optimized AtremoPlus Intake


Taking AtremoPlus is quite simple, and the standardization of L-Dopa (21.5 mg/g)allows for precise dosing.

However, there are a few exceptions to consider for optimized intake.

  1. Do not mix with a hot meal:

We recommend not mixing the powder with a hot meal to preserve its active ingredients.

  1. Vitamin B6

An excess of vitamin B6 stimulates the activity of DDC, which promotes the premature conversion of L-Dopa into dopamine in the periphery (before reaching the brain).

However, dopamine does not cross the blood-brain barrier, so if it is produced too early before reaching the brain, it will not reach the dopaminergic neurons, reducing the effectiveness of L-Dopa intake.

Although AtremoPlus is rich in Carbidopa, which slows down this process, we do not recommend taking large amounts of vitamin B6 in addition to AtremoPlus.

  1. Magnesium & AtremoPlus Intake

Magnesium oxide – This form is excellent for relieving constipation (a natural and effective solution). However, it reduces the absorption of L-Dopa. Therefore, it is best not to take it simultaneously with AtremoPlus but rather at separate times
Magnesium glycinate – This form is very important, as some studies suggest that a magnesium deficiency may even contribute to the onset of Parkinson’s disease.
Therefore, it may be beneficial to take magnesium, for example, in the form of magnesium glycinate, in addition to AtremoPlus.
  1. Iron (Supplementation)

Iron binds to L-Dopa in the digestive tract and reduces its absorption.

Some people taking iron supplements notice a decrease in the effects of L-Dopa.

  1. Storage:

Do not expose to sunlight, humidity, or other conditions that could alter the powder.

Part 3: 🔎💡 Tips and Possible Adjustments Based on Each Individual

  1. Taking AtremoPlus with Low Protein

Many of our clients tell us that they are advised to take synthetic L-Dopa while avoiding protein. What about AtremoPlus? 

First, it is important to understand why L-Dopa is not recommended to be taken with proteins:

During digestion, dietary proteins are broken down into amino acids, their basic components. The digestive tract lining has specific receptors responsible for absorbing these amino acids and transporting them to the brain. However, these same receptors are also used for L-Dopa absorption.

Since the number of receptors is limited, in some individuals, amino acids from food may be absorbed first or compete with L-Dopa, leaving less space for it. This reduces L-Dopa absorption and decreases its effectiveness

It is interesting to note that AtremoPlus is particularly rich in Carbidopa, which helps reduce this “protein effect” on L-Dopa absorption.

Additionally, when AtremoPlus is taken on an empty stomach, a simple yogurtdoes not generally represent significant competition between amino acids and L-Dopa at the absorption receptors.

However, for some individuals who have fewer of these receptors, it may be worth experimenting with a lower-protein food, such as fruit puree, to optimize L-Dopa absorption.

  1. What About Taking AtremoPlus with Water?

In theory, some of AtremoPlus’ active ingredients may see their effectiveness slightly reduced when in contact with water.

However, several users, possibly those with fewer receptors for amino acids and L-Dopa in the intestines, have still reported excellent effects when consuming the powder mixed with water.

That’s why we encourage you to test different intake methods, including mixing the powder with water, to determine what works best for you.

  1. Encapsulating the Powder – Is It Possible?

Our clinical trials have shown that taking AtremoPlus in powder form is the optimal method to fully benefit from its active ingredients, particularly its natural L-Dopa and Carbidopa.

However, we regularly receive requests about the possibility of encapsulating AtremoPlus.

Why Don’t We Offer AtremoPlus in Capsule Form?

Encapsulation is not ideal because a daily dose of 10g would require a large number of capsules, which could cause swallowing difficulties. Many of our clients already experience issues with this.

Encapsulating It Yourself – An Alternative?

Some users, particularly when traveling or at work, choose to encapsulate the powder themselves for easier intake.
There are affordable devices available that allow you to encapsulate the powder yourself

Our Recommendations:

  • Choose high-quality capsules, preferably plant-based or marine-derived
  • Select the right size:
    • Larger capsules → Fewer to swallow but potentially more uncomfortable.
    • Smaller capsules → Easier to swallow but needed in greater numbers.
  1. Optimizing and Adjusting Dosage

We have created a detailed guide on optimized dosage, including how to avoid under-dosing (the minimum recommended intake is 5g/day, or two scoops).

This guide also covers daily dosage adjustments based on your needs, the challenges of your day, and various factors that can influence your well-being.

You can always access this guide by clicking the link below.

We hope this newsletter has answered some of your questions and helps you optimize your AtremoPlus intake

In any case, we encourage you to experiment and adjust your intake to suit what works best for you.
You are the best judge of how what you consume affects you: listen to your sensations and adapt your intake timing, dosage, and method to achieve the best benefits

As always, this information is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice.
For any medical concerns, we recommend consulting your healthcare team.

If you have any further questions about taking AtremoPlus, we would be happy to answer them

Your AtremoPlus Team 😊

Scientific references: 

  1. Postuma, R. B., Lang, A. E., Munhoz, R. P., Charland, K., Pelletier, A., Moscovich, M., … & Shah, B. (2012). Caffeine for treatment of Parkinson disease: a randomized controlled trial. Neurology79(7), 651-658.
  2. Parvathy, J., Sreedevi, A., Sankaranarayanan, P., & Suchithra, T. V. (2023). Augmented Dark Chocolate with Probiotics: A Lifestyle Approach to Address Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Current Pharmacology Reports9(5), 364-376.
  3. Gandhi, K. R., & Saadabadi, A. (2023). Levodopa (l-dopa). In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
  4. Klawans, H. L., Ringel, S. P., & Shenker, D. M. (1971). Failure of vitamin B6 to reverse the L-dopa effect in patients on a dopa decarboxylase inhibitor. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry34(6), 682-686.
  5. Al Mughram, M. H., Ghatge, M. S., Kellogg, G. E., & Safo, M. K. (2022). Elucidating the interaction between pyridoxine 5′-phosphate oxidase and dopa decarboxylase: activation of B6-dependent enzyme. International Journal of Molecular Sciences24(1), 642.
  6. Miyaue, N., Yabe, H., & Nagai, M. (2023). Concomitant use of magnesium oxide significantly decreases absorption of levodopa preparations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders9, 100227.
  7. Shen, Y., Dai, L., Tian, H., Xu, R., Li, F., Li, Z., … & Sun, L. (2019). Treatment of magnesium-L-threonate elevates the magnesium level in the cerebrospinal fluid and attenuates motor deficits and dopamine neuron loss in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 3143-3153.
  8. Cibulka, M., Brodnanova, M., Halasova, E., Kurca, E., Kolisek, M., & Grofik, M. (2024). The Role of Magnesium in Parkinson’s Disease: Status Quo and Implications for Future Research. International Journal of Molecular Sciences25(15), 8425.
  9. Rusch, C., Flanagan, R., Suh, H., & Subramanian, I. (2023). To restrict or not to restrict? Practical considerations for optimizing dietary protein interactions on levodopa absorption in Parkinson’s disease. npj Parkinson’s Disease9(1), 98.

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Please note that this blog provides information about our AtremoPlus supplement and related topics.

This blog is not intended to provide medical advice. If you have medical questions, please consult your healthcare professional.

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