AtremoPlus portraits: the story of Myriam diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 52 years old

For the third installment of our series dedicated to portraits and experiences of AtremoPlus users, we are pleased to present the moving story of Myriam, diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 52 years old. She shares with us her journey towards a more serene life, where self-confidence and the reduction of anxiety play a central role.

Myriam reminds us that the impact of a natural supplement can go far beyond visible motor issues, deeply affecting quality of life and inner balance.

We hope that Myriam’s story will resonate with you and bring a message of hope to those seeking solutions for a better daily life.

myriam - AtremoPlus portraits: the story of Myriam diagnosed with Parkinson's at 52 years old

Myriam: A Story of Courage and Transformation

At 52 years old, Myriam, a devoted mother of two and social worker, saw her life change drastically when she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Her experience is a powerful testament to perseverance and positive change.

The First Worrying Signs

For Myriam, it all started with insidious fatigue and muscle weakness. “I felt exhausted all the time, and my left leg seemed to stop following me,” she recalls. The physical symptoms were accompanied by growing anxiety, balance issues, and troubling limp that culminated in a fall.

It was during a hospitalization that the verdict was delivered. In just five minutes, a neurologist mentioned the possibility of Parkinson’s disease, leaving Myriam stunned and without answers. “I left the hospital with a prescription and a report, but with no explanations,” she confides. Returning home was incredibly challenging, and the following weeks were even harder.

Loss of Confidence in the Face of Daily Challenges

Simple tasks, like buying a stamp, became insurmountable challenges, hitting her self-confidence hard. “Before taking AtremoPlus, I was increasing the medications without really feeling any comfort during the day. My health was deteriorating, I had trouble getting up in the morning, and walking became so unsteady that I began to fear going out alone,” she explains. “Regarding my family, I had their full support,” Myriam says. The unconditional support of her loved ones was crucial, while her friendships were put to the test. “Some friends distanced themselves, but I would say that the best ones stayed!” she says with admirable resilience.

The Limits of Conventional Treatments

Myriam quickly encountered the limits of conventional treatments. The side effects of the medications were intolerable: dizziness, nocturnal tremors, and a constant feeling of malaise. “I didn’t want to keep increasing a treatment that was already failing and making me ill,” she explains. The search for natural solutions then became a priority. “I ordered an initial natural L-DOPA supplement that was very popular online but wasn’t AtremoPlus. I tried it, and my body couldn’t tolerate it.”

Myriam then discovered AtremoPlus through an online forum. “I decided to give it a try,” she remembers. To her great relief and surprise, her body tolerated AtremoPlus perfectly. “From the very first days, I felt a difference,” she recounts. “For example, during my yoga sessions, I had more range of motion and needed less effort to lift my left leg. I have been doing balance exercises without difficulty, whereas before I suffered greatly. As for walking, the sensations were the same: more energy, speed, balance, and endurance. And most importantly, I felt extremely good in my body and mind (less stress).”

A Renaissance Thanks to AtremoPlus

The impact of AtremoPlus was quickly visible, not only for Myriam but also for those around her. “My appearance had changed, my face was more relaxed,” she says. This supplement has become a safety net for Myriam, allowing her to gradually reduce her conventional medication.

A Holistic Transformation

Alongside taking AtremoPlus, Myriam transformed her lifestyle. She adopted a gluten-free diet and incorporated two hours of daily exercise, including yoga, walking, cycling, and more recently, she even resumed jogging. “Since then, I have only seen improvements in my health, and even though there are still difficult moments, they are nothing compared to before,” she affirms. “AtremoPlus helps me a lot in avoiding morning panic attacks when I have to go to an appointment.”

She regularly adjusts the dosages and timing of AtremoPlus, staying in tune with her body. “I still regularly change the dosages and timing of AtremoPlus based on my psychological state or physical fatigue. I can’t give advice on timing, I can only say that you need to listen to your body,” she advises, based on her experience.

A Message of Hope for All

Myriam is saddened to see people suffering unnecessarily when natural solutions exist. “We need to trust in natural remedies,” she proclaims. She acknowledges that cost can be an obstacle but emphasizes that it allowed her to eliminate other supplements.

An Encouraging Reflection

Myriam’s journey is a strong example of resilience. After an unsuccessful trial with another natural L-DOPA, Myriam persevered and chose what was best for her. Her determination has transformed her life, making her story a beacon of hope and courage for those facing similar challenges.

In conclusion, Myriam shares the encouraging reflection of a close friend: “She told me that I made the right decision by integrating AtremoPlus into my approach to managing Parkinson’s because she had never seen me so well and so positive!”


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