Portraits AtremoPlus Mark: 75% better in 3 days!

In this new issue of our newsletter, we invite you to discover the inspiring story of Mark Peever, a man who, thanks to his resilience, regained his zest for life after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 62. Now 70, Mark has gone through periods when his body no longer obeyed him, trying different treatments and approaches to regain control, all while facing moments of doubt.

What sets Mark apart is his determination, shared with his wife, to never stop seeking solutions tailored to his condition. It was during this journey that he discovered AtremoPlus, an ally that, for the past 6 years, has improved his quality of life, allowed him to regain autonomy, and rediscover activities he thought he had lost.

Join us to explore his journey and see how Mark embodies hope and resilience.

mark photo 2 - Portraits AtremoPlus Mark: 75% better in 3 days!

Finding Strength and a Fresh Start with AtremoPlus

Mark, now 70 years old, had a successful career as a sales director at an IT company in Canada when his life took an unexpected turn. “I always said I’d never retire. I wanted to work for as long as possible,” Mark recalls. But in 2016, at the age of 62, his plans were upended when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It started subtly, with something as simple as a trembling cup of coffee, but it quickly became clear that Parkinson’s was affecting not only his physical abilities but also his cognitive functions. “Looking back, I realize I also had cognitive issues: memory loss, loss of confidence, I’d forget things in meetings,” he explains. These early signs marked the beginning of a journey Mark had never anticipated.

Navigating the Disease with the Unwavering Support of His Wife

For many people, support groups are essential, but Mark’s experience was different. “I didn’t find much use in them,” he admits. “The meetings were mostly focused on problems and medications, and I didn’t want to concentrate on that.” Searching for other solutions, Mark explored treatments on his own. To regain control of his body, he first turned to stem cell therapy in Mexico, drawn by the promise of restoring lost neurons. “I went to Mexico twice for treatment, but unfortunately, it didn’t bring the results I hoped for.” He then decided to take a natural approach, avoiding traditional medications and turning to a long list of supplements, but once again, he didn’t see any significant improvement in his condition. He even spent 21 days at a self-healing clinic in Serbia, where the people were wonderful and the motto was, “There are no incurable diseases, only incurable people.” However, he never achieved this “self-healing.”

As Parkinson’s continued to progress, Mark found himself in a difficult situation. “I was in bad shape,” he recalls. “I could barely walk and struggled with daily tasks like washing dishes, buttoning my shirt, turning over in bed, and even driving.” During these challenging times, one constant remained in his life: his wife, who became his caregiver and unwavering support. “She has been a real treasure for me,” Mark confides. Her unwavering support was invaluable in helping him through the highs and lows of the disease, even as they continued to search for a solution.

New Hope: The Discovery of AtremoPlus

It was around this time that Mark came across an article about AtremoPlus. Intrigued by this natural approach, he decided to give it a try, but cautiously. “I ordered one box, wanting to be careful,” he recalls. But after just three days of taking AtremoPlus, something remarkable happened. “In three days, I was functioning 75% better. I was a new person,” he says. His walking improved, his arms swung naturally again, and he could do things that had seemed impossible before, like driving and, after years without playing golf, playing 30 times this summer! “My coffee buddies noticed it right away,” Mark says with a smile. The transformation was impressive, but he remains realistic about his journey. “It’s not perfect, I grew up playing hockey, one of my favorite pastimes, and when I tried skating, all I managed to do was make snow angels,” he jokes. However, for someone who had been battling Parkinson’s for years, these improvements were truly life-changing.

Six Years of Progress

Mark has been using AtremoPlus for over six years now and attributes it to slowing the progression of his Parkinson’s disease. “I have a tremor-dominant form of Parkinson’s, but the cognitive issues aren’t as bad. AtremoPlus has helped me a lot with managing those problems—they practically disappeared as soon as I started taking it,” he explains. He believes AtremoPlus improves the effectiveness of his medications: “It’s the medications that stop the big tremors, but AtremoPlus makes them more effective.” Taking four doses of AtremoPlus per day, sometimes more, in addition to his usual medications, Mark has noticed significant improvements in his motor symptoms. “I’ve seen improvements in all areas,” he says, including tremors, bradykinesia, muscle stiffness, postural instability, changes in gait, and fine motor skills. Simple tasks like getting dressed, which used to take twice as long, are now much easier, and he has regained normal driving ability. His left foot, which used to drag when walking, no longer bothers him, and he’s even mastered using chopsticks. At home, Mark has become more active, helping with tasks like grating carrots and washing dishes. Regarding his Parkinson’s medications, Mark says: “I simply haven’t had to increase the amount I take in six years, which I think is good, given that most people with Parkinson’s seem to increase their dose quite often.” Though Parkinson’s often comes with emotional challenges such as depression, anxiety, and apathy, Mark is glad he hasn’t been too affected by these issues. “Like the cognitive problems, I haven’t really had emotional issues,” he admits. As for his energy level, Mark considers himself lucky: “My energy level is pretty good. I take a 30-minute nap almost every day, and overall, I consider myself lucky not to have sleep problems.”

A Better Quality of Life

For Mark, AtremoPlus has become an essential part of his daily routine, complementing his regular walks and vegetarian diet. “I walk for an hour every morning and do other exercises when I can,” he says. His disciplined approach to managing his Parkinson’s, combined with his wife’s support and AtremoPlus, has restored a quality of life he thought he had lost. “It’s by no means a cure—I still have a tremor in my left hand—but overall, it has made a huge difference for me,” he acknowledges.

When asked what advice he would give to others facing similar challenges, Mark is clear: “Given the benefits I’ve gained from it, I would highly recommend trying AtremoPlus.” For him, it has been the key to unlocking a new chapter in his life, filled with more mobility, confidence, and hope.


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