Natural L-dopa Carbidopa Portraits: Birgit, was diagnosed parkinson’s at 37 !

In this new Portrait, we are pleased to give the word to Birgit Lange, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the young age of 37. As the regional delegate of the dPV (German Parkinson’s Association), Birgit channels her fight through her actions and responsibilities within the Moers branch of the dPV, as well as by writing two inspiring books on Parkinson’s.
Over 23 years of living with the disease, Birgit has accepted various therapeutic solutions, including deep brain stimulation (DBS). Her discovery of Atremoplus was so positive that she wanted to share her experience today.

Photo 2 AtremoPlus Portraits Birgit - Natural L-dopa Carbidopa Portraits: Birgit, was diagnosed parkinson's at 37 !
Customer Portrait: A Life in Creative Battle Against Parkinson’s Disease

Birgit Lange, born in 1965 in Kranenburg near Kleve, could never have imagined that her life would take such a radical turn. In her mid-thirties, fully engaged in her career as a wholesale merchant, she received a diagnosis that would change her life forever: Parkinson’s disease.
“I still remember the day I received the diagnosis. I was shocked, paralyzed by the news,” Birgit recalls. At that time, she was already the mother of a young daughter, which made the news even more overwhelming.

A Difficult Struggle, But Not Alone

The first signs of the disease appeared at the office: a cramped hand, illegible handwriting, and soon her entire right arm was affected. “I felt like I had aged years, my movements were slow, uncoordinated, and I felt increasing stiffness throughout my body,” she says. The pain accompanied these symptoms, making each day a real challenge.
Fortunately, Birgit could count on the unwavering support of her family and friends. “Without them, I could never have gotten through these tough times,” she says gratefully. This support network was crucial in helping her accept her new reality and find ways to cope.

A New Mission: Helping Others

Discovering the Moers Parkinson’s Self-Help Group (a support group for Parkinson’s patients affiliated with the German Parkinson Association) through a flyer at her neurologist’s office was a turning point in her battle against the disease.
“I fought my way through medical books and all the sources of information I could find,” Birgit recalls. She was especially interested in the role of exercise in managing the disease, as physical activity proves to be one of the best measures to stop or at least slow down physical decline. “When I got the opportunity to train as an exercise instructor in the field of neurology with the BRSNW (Disabled Sports Association), I didn’t hesitate,” says Birgit. Today, she is not only an instructor but also leads the dPV (German Parkinson Association) regional group in Moers. “It is crucial to fight together and support each other,” she emphasizes. This commitment allowed her to turn her personal battle against the disease into a mission to help others.

AtremoPlus: A New Wind in the Fight Against Parkinson’s

Birgit first heard about AtremoPlus in an email that mentioned its positive effects, even for people at the end of their therapeutic journey.
“Normally, I’m skeptical about dietary supplements, but the email came at just the right time. I was struggling with increased ‘freezing’ episodes and my medication was becoming less effective again,” Birgit recalls. After undergoing deep brain stimulation in 2013 to combat medication fluctuations, Birgit indeed faced the return of symptoms, particularly freezing episodes and reduced medication effectiveness.

In May 2024, she finally decided to try AtremoPlus. “I thought to myself, in my situation, I can only gain,” she admits.
But when she first saw the product, her enthusiasm faded when she saw and smelled the contents. “It took some effort to prepare the powder,” she says. “The smell of the product wasn’t exactly pleasant.” But she remembered her grandmother’s saying: “Medicine that tastes good never works! So down with the supplement…,” she told herself. Mixed with applesauce, the taste was quite well covered, and to her great surprise, Birgit felt a strong improvement after just 35 to 40 minutes. “I felt a surge of motivation and was quite amazed. I immediately emailed Alex to ask if this was even possible.”

“What can I say?” she wrote. “I’ve been trying the powder for a week, I’m extremely excited… but I can hardly believe it! Because I’ve had Parkinson’s for 23 years and have undergone deep brain stimulation. Why doesn’t anyone mention this powder? I could have tried it much earlier!”

But that was just the beginning. “My handwriting became more legible, and my movements improved, which really surprised me,” Birgit shares. These first encouraging results strengthened her determination to continue with AtremoPlus.
After a week of use, her condition improved further, and Birgit reports: “Less freezing, hardly any rigidity, smoother transitions (no more ON and OFF periods), and my mood is great.”

Continuous Improvement and a Message of Hope

Birgit continued using AtremoPlus and reported positive results, Alex mentioned that feedback from AtremoPlus users often shows continuous improvement over weeks and months, and that neurologists are often surprised by the speed of results and also the long-term stability of users.

“I’m visiting friends again, daring to do more, i’m back in the middle (and no longer on the sidelines),” she rejoices.

Her daily routine is simple but effective: “I take AtremoPlus  in the morning and then in the afternoon, and it works very well. I always mix the powder with applesauce.”

For others suffering from Parkinson’s, Birgit emphasizes the importance of staying active—both physically and emotionally. “It’s crucial to stay in motion. As an exercise instructor, I naturally recommend physical activity, but one must also stay emotionally active, not hide away, but remain interested in life.”

Birgit has shared her enthusiasm about AtremoPlus not only with her Parkinson’s self-help group in Moers but also informed other group leaders of the German Parkinson Association (dPV) about her positive experiences with this natural L-Dopa Carbidopa. For her, the positive effect of AtremoPlus, even after 23 years of battling the disease, is a message of hope that should be widely shared.

A Creative Fight Against Parkinson’s

In addition to her work as an exercise instructor, Birgit has also written two books featuring a little turtle named GINA (short for “Gib nicht auf”, translaeted “Never Give Up”), which serves as a metaphor for her own determination to never give up. “This is my way of fighting Parkinson’s, but everyone must find their own.” “For me, this darn disease is like a ‘squatter’ in my head,” Birgit concludes, “and I will do everything I can to evict this ‘squatter’. Who knows, maybe AtremoPlus will continue to contribute to that.”

We wish Birgit much success and continued long and positive experiences, including with AtremoPlus. For those who want to learn more about her work, feel free to contact Birgit directly:

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