AtremoPlus: Cerebral plasticity gives you a super boost! Part 2

A new perspective !

We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for 2024! May light and joy accompany you in your actions, your encounters, and your sharing, and may your inner world be nourished by them.

Perhaps 2024 will be the year you resume an activity you had to give up, or you no longer had the energy to do it. Or maybe you’ll find it easier to do one of your favorite activities?

According to our recent survey, 59% of participants responded that they can indeed redo activities they had previously abandoned!

This figure is all the more remarkable given that, in reality, it does not take into account those who, despite the difficulties, have never stopped their favorite activities, and see an improvement with the intake of AtremoPlus.

This resurgence could be partly explained by a largely unknown but hopeful phenomenon: brain plasticity. Particularly for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s sufferers.

The fascinating world of Brain Plasticity that can change reality

Here we take the time to delve into the fascinating world of brain plasticity, which is arousing growing interest in the scientific community, and give you more information about its unsuspected potential to gain ground on degeneration.

Cerebral plasticity is our brain’s extraordinary ability to create, undo, and reorganize neural networks and connections through synapses. At any age.

Daniel Tricot, former head of the French Brain Federation, believes that “the discovery of brain plasticity is one of the best pieces of news science has brought us”. And, we’re going to show you why it’s so important.

But how can brain plasticity help Parkinson’s sufferers in concrete terms?

A diagnosis of Parkinson’s can be devastating, as the disease is considered incurable. This idea can operate in the minds as a “self-fulfilling-prophecy” of those concerned through fears and a form of expectation, more or less conscious, that the situation can only get worse over time.

However, recent scientific research confirms our extraordinary capacity to recreate neurons and neuronal connections for the rest of our lives!

But what does this mean in concrete terms for Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s is generally diagnosed once 60-80% of dopaminergic neurons have been lost. When the difficulties associated with this loss, such as stiffness, slowness of movement, tremors, and many others, become too great, then the conclusion is that this is not linked to a normal aging phenomenon, but to a pathology. The boundary between the two is unclear.

Perhaps the key question is not “how do we cure an incurable disease such as Parkinson’s?”, but rather “how do we push back the cursor so that we can return to normal aging?

For its part, modern science tells us that nothing is as fixed (or doomed…) in neuronal degeneration as we might have thought, and there are two major avenues open to us to remedy this degeneration and regain ground.

We have the exceptional and under-exploited power to regenerate these lost neurons!

The first unsuspected variable we can influence is our ability to regenerate lost neurons. Science calls this phenomenon neurogenesis and synaptogenesis.

The aim is certainly not to regain the brain of our 20s! But the real challenge is to regenerate enough neurons and synapses to keep and maintain us below the critical 60-80% threshold of degenerated neurons and regain ground.

In this way, we have the opportunity to regain abilities and rediscover previously abandoned activities, as reported by nearly two-thirds of AtremoPlus users who responded to the questionnaire. Instead of suffering degeneration, science confirms that we can regain ground, both cerebrally and physically, at any age and in any circumstance.

In a way, instead of helplessly witnessing degeneration, science confirms that we can rejuvenate our brains and bodies at any age and in any circumstance. The very fact of understanding this phenomenon is already of great importance for morale and motivation and shows that it’s worth taking action, as we’ll see.

How can we stimulate brain plasticity by regenerating neurons?

To begin with, it’s important to understand that some degenerative processes can be reversed, at least in part.

The essential ingredients for stimulating the creation of new neurons and synapses are curiosity to learn, to understand, to love doing things, and to take action to create movement. New life experiences, whether through encounters, hobbies or activities even at home that we enjoy, also stimulate neural regeneration.

This increase in cerebral and physical capacities is logical in a way, because why should the brain and body create new cerebral and physical capacities if we have no real application and no real need to use them?

Setting yourself challenges (even the simplest ones to get you started) is one way of achieving this regain, perhaps in the spirit of the Law of Hormesis:

This law describes a kind of “positive stress”, to get out of one’s comfort zone, to reopen oneself to life and to push back boundaries.. This physiological law states that Any living organism exposed to a stressful stimulus that does not exceed its adaptive capacity sees this capacity improve during the rest phase that follows”..

These stimuli can have an impact on what we call :

  • Structural plasticity refers to physical changes in the structure of the brain. This includes the formation of new neurons (neurogenesis) in certain brain regions, as well as new synapses (synaptogenesis).
  • Functional plasticity, which involves changes in the functional organization of the brain. For example, when certain areas of the brain are damaged, other areas can take over some of their functions.

How can we stop or slow down the loss of these dopaminergic neurons?

It’s vital to recreate neurons and synapses, and we now know that we have the capacity to do so for the rest of our lives. But the impact of this regeneration is all the greater if we can at the same time stem the degenerative processes that cause these dopaminergic neurons to die.

As we’ve seen, the adage “Use It, or loose it” is certainly the primary factor in stopping degeneration, but other factors can impact both the brain’s plasticity to create new neurons and also slow down the degeneration process.

Are there nutrients that stimulate neurogenesis and synaptogenesis and slow neuronal death?

AtremoPlus contains a host of beneficial ingredients, such as natural L-Dopa, and stimulates the synthesis of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter that increases dynamism to initiate activities. We’ll be coming back to this key molecule in one of our next newsletters.

To measure brain plasticity, science uses, among other things, BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), a key protein in the regulation of neuronal growth and survival, and therefore an essential component of the phenomenon of brain plasticity.

Certain nutrients, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, omega-3s, vitamins (C, E, D, A, group B), minerals (zinc, magnesium and others) and certain amino acids, stimulate neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, while at the same time slowing neuronal death. These nutrients stimulate BDNF synthesis and protect neurons against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, helping to repair damaged areas.

All these active ingredients are found in the exceptional plant on which AtremoPlus is based: Vicia faba.

Possible explanations for a virtuous circle

This unique combination may explain why many AtremoPlus users are returning to abandoned activities, or improving their capabilities and well-being by continuing their activities.

This is probably the first explanation for our survey.

The activities themselves, once repeated or improved, in turn boost brain plasticity, creating a virtuous circle.

Science confirms that we have the power to stimulate our cerebral plasticity, to push back our limits step by step and in good spirits, to regain ground physically and mentally.

We hope this newsletter inspires you to explore your abilities even further, helping you to perceive beyond your own limits while listening to what brings you joy and pleasure.

In our next newsletter, we’ll take a look at another, equally surprising and exciting phenomenon, which could complete our understanding of reworked or enhanced activities. It is based on a recent discovery made during two scientific studies carried out on our natural product.

In the meantime, we wish you an excellent Year 2024 with many activities that will (re)energize you to explore the potential of YOUR brain plasticity!

This content may be important for people who need this natural solution. Thanks for sharing!


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Disclaimer :
Please note that this blog provides information about our dietary supplement AtremoPlus and related topics. This blog is not intended to provide medical advice.
If you have any medical questions, please contact your healthcare professional.


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La loi de l’Hormèse : comment renforcer sa vitalité

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